L10N/The_Heart_of_the_Dead/5.0/QuestStages/HOD03 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)

FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	10	0	Inar has told me to get some rest. I might as well, since he won't have any information for until at least tomorrow. 
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	100	0	I now have the Nerevar Statue. I need to find the Dragon Statue before heading back to the Cathedral in Chorrol. For better or worse, Wintermoon has said she will meet me there.
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	150	0	That was... unsettling. The dragon sent me back to the Collector, with some ominous warnings. I hate enigmatic reptiles. Anyway, I now have the Dragon Statue, and I need to find the last Statue.
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	155	0	I now have the Dragon Statue, but I still need to find the last one.
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	20	0	The Countess is displaying the artifacts in her great hall. I guess I should start my quest for the statues there.
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	200	0	That was... unsettling. The dragon sent me back to the Collector, with some ominous warnings. I hate enigmatic reptiles. Now that I have the Dragon Statue, Wintermoon is probably waiting at the Two Sister's Lodge in Skingrad. I better go talk to her.
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	202	0	Now that I have the Dragon Statue, Wintermoon is probably waiting at the Two Sister's Lodge in Skingrad. I better go talk to her.
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	205	0	I now have both statues, and Wintermoon said she will meet me at the Mara Alter in Chorrol. For better or worse, I think the end game is near. I better make any preparations I need to before I meet with her.
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	220	0	
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	230	0	This is it. The final puzzle. Well, let's see what's on the other side...
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	240	0	
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	25	0	Kat told me that she knows how to open the lock, but she needs some sort of distraction. Something big.
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	250	0	
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	255	0	
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	27	0	Dublin told me that he can create a diversion, if only I knew how to open that strange magical lock on the container. 
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	30	0	Dublin has agreed to cause a distraction and Kat has given me the spell to open the lock. If anything goes wrong, I'm supposed to meet her at the Two Sister's Lodge in Skingard. What can go wrong? Even I don't want to answer that.
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	35	0	
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	40	0	I stole the statue. I better get out of here.
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	5	0	I have the Gauntlets, even if I have no clue what they do. I should probably talk to Inar and see what our next step is. 
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	50	0	I stole the statue. I better get out of here.
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	60	0	
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	70	0	I've agreed to help Kat destroy the Heart. Dublin won't be too happy, but it's the right thing to do. She gave me a spell just in case we get separated, and she also marked on my map the location of a countess who might know where the statues are. We should start there.
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	75	0	I have chosen to help Dublin out in his quest to use the Heart. I should talk to him.
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	77	0	Dublin has given me a spell of summon him if we get lost, and he told me that the other two statues are in the possession of the Countess Valga of Chorrol. I better go talk to her and see what she can tell me.
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	80	0	The countess Valga wants me to talk to Laythe Wavrick and to someone called the Collector. Seems Laythe looked into her stolen goods and he might know where they might be. She also told me about someone called the Collector, who bought the dragon statue for a lot of gold. I should talk to both of these men to see where the statues went.
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	85	0	So I talked to Laythe, and he told me to ask around town to see what I can dig up about the Countess' stolen goods. He said I should start with someone named Seed-Neeus over the Northern Goods and Trade store. 
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	87	0	That was useless. Yee-Leez is not going to tell me anything. I might want to follow him after work, though, and see where he goes. Just in case.
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	90	0	So Harren has charged me with going down in the caves and getting his book back from a nasty lich. Can I trust him, though. That's the question.
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	93	0	Harren mentioned that the black statue was stolen by a lich and is now in the depths of these caves. I guess I need to descend and take my chances...
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	95	0	The one called Wintermoon has the statue. She talked of a deal of sorts, with one helping the other. After I retrieve the Dragon Statue from the Collector, I'm to meet her at the Two Sister Lodge in Skingard. I should also think about retrieving the book from the dead lich. Harren will want it back.
FormID: 0200AE5B	HOD03	97	0	The one called Wintermoon has the statue. She talked of a deal of sorts, with one helping the other. I'm to meet her at the Two Sister Lodge in Skingard. I should also think about retrieving the book from the dead lich. Harren will want it back.

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