L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povssgluttonyletter1 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)


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*povssgluttonyletter1 [#q2ac2e1d]

**原文 [#w2c3c832]
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You really are a useless waste of space, Nose.  Where is your brain?  Is it in your backside?  Of course you cannot bring the gauntlets back here.  We have representatives from other nations here too.  They will learn, they will know and they will seek revenge.  Four Argonian men to kill one poor Khajiit woman?  Even I despise you.  I have told your father that this is the last time I will help his family.  No matter how much I owe him for saving me from that bitch in Leyawiin, there is a limit.  Now if only you had killed her!
Do not under any circumstances return with the gauntlets here.  If I were you I would dump them.  But I suspect you younger generation will ignore experience and wisdom.  It is the way of youth and I am sure I was no different when I was young.  If you try to sell them you run grave risks of being apprehended and executed for murder.  
Try only Argonians.  If you are lucky some will be prepared to help but do not even try to sell them more than one pair of gauntlets.  They may not recognise the provenance but others may and anyone who has bought from you will want to clear their own name.  You will quickly be identified if that happens.
I attach a list of those I think most likely to help.  You may need to think of good stories to convince them as most are not thieves.  And be respectful.  If you alienate them you will find no one on whom to off load your booty.   Of the names on the list Dar-Jee is the only one I know.  He helped me to get out of Leyawiin after your father freed me.  He will help as an Argonian, not because he is a thief.  
By the way, I hope you took the advice I gave you in my last letter and sent that Lies-in-his-teeth packing.  He has a very bad reputation as an opportunist.  He is not a trustworthy type to have in your band.  Somehow I have the feeling it would have been he that set you off on this nonsensical operation.  He will have his own agenda.  If he is still there, get rid of him!
Now, you have my advice.  Whether you take it or not is your prerogative but this is the last time I will help whatever you do.
Boolean Alg


**訳文 [#g5aec595]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
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You really are a useless waste of space, Nose.  Where is your brain?  Is it in your backside?  Of course you cannot bring the gauntlets back here.  We have representatives from other nations here too.  They will learn, they will know and they will seek revenge.  Four Argonian men to kill one poor Khajiit woman?  Even I despise you.  I have told your father that this is the last time I will help his family.  No matter how much I owe him for saving me from that bitch in Leyawiin, there is a limit.  Now if only you had killed her!
Do not under any circumstances return with the gauntlets here.  If I were you I would dump them.  But I suspect you younger generation will ignore experience and wisdom.  It is the way of youth and I am sure I was no different when I was young.  If you try to sell them you run grave risks of being apprehended and executed for murder.  
Try only Argonians.  If you are lucky some will be prepared to help but do not even try to sell them more than one pair of gauntlets.  They may not recognise the provenance but others may and anyone who has bought from you will want to clear their own name.  You will quickly be identified if that happens.
I attach a list of those I think most likely to help.  You may need to think of good stories to convince them as most are not thieves.  And be respectful.  If you alienate them you will find no one on whom to off load your booty.   Of the names on the list Dar-Jee is the only one I know.  He helped me to get out of Leyawiin after your father freed me.  He will help as an Argonian, not because he is a thief.  
By the way, I hope you took the advice I gave you in my last letter and sent that Lies-in-his-teeth packing.  He has a very bad reputation as an opportunist.  He is not a trustworthy type to have in your band.  Somehow I have the feeling it would have been he that set you off on this nonsensical operation.  He will have his own agenda.  If he is still there, get rid of him!
Now, you have my advice.  Whether you take it or not is your prerogative but this is the last time I will help whatever you do.
Boolean Alg


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