L10N/The_Romancing_of_Eyja/1.4/QuestStages/AAEyjaHorseQuest のバックアップ差分(No.1)

FormID: 0101D638	AAEyjaHorseQuest	10	0	I need to ask Eyja to go horse back riding with me.
FormID: 0101D638	AAEyjaHorseQuest	11	0	Eyja expressed interest in going horse back riding with me, but she doesn't have a horse. I should buy her the finest black horse available at the Cheydinhal Stables.
FormID: 0101D638	AAEyjaHorseQuest	12	0	I've purchased Eyja the best horse money can buy. I need to return to Eyja and ask her to go riding with me.
FormID: 0101D638	AAEyjaHorseQuest	20	0	We need to make our way to the stables just outside Skingrad and find Eyja's horse.
FormID: 0101D638	AAEyjaHorseQuest	30	0	We should go to the Old Bridge. I've heard the view is incredible.
FormID: 0101D638	AAEyjaHorseQuest	40	0	We've arrived at the Old Bridge. We should enjoy the view for a little bit.
FormID: 0101D638	AAEyjaHorseQuest	50	0	It's getting late. We should head back to Skingrad.
FormID: 0101D638	AAEyjaHorseQuest	60	0	I took Eyja horseback riding and we had a fantastic time. I can tell we're getting closer.

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