L10N/The_Duelists/0.93/Dialogue/aaDialoguePriscusVerus のバックアップ差分(No.1)


FormID: 01009E6E	aaDialoguePriscusVerus	GREETING	0	Piss off.	
FormID: 01009E6F	aaDialoguePriscusVerus	GREETING	0	Well, if it isn't the grand champion in the flesh.	
FormID: 01009E6F	aaDialoguePriscusVerus	GREETING	1	Of course, everybody knows that you didn't really earn the title.	
FormID: 01009E7D	aaDialoguePriscusVerus	GREETING	0	Well, I didn't think you had the moxie to actually face me.	
FormID: 01009E7D	aaDialoguePriscusVerus	GREETING	1	En garde!	
FormID: 01009E76	aaDialoguePriscusVerus	aaPVWhy	0	Allow me to explain.	
FormID: 01009E76	aaDialoguePriscusVerus	aaPVWhy	1	I saw you hack down the Gray Prince - he didn't even put up a fight!	
FormID: 01009E76	aaDialoguePriscusVerus	aaPVWhy	2	It was nothing more than a cheap murder. 	
FormID: 01009E75	aaDialoguePriscusVerus	aaPVWho	0	I'm your better, that's who I am. 	
FormID: 01009E75	aaDialoguePriscusVerus	aaPVWho	1	A better man, and better gladiator than you could ever be, for that matter.	
FormID: 01009E77	aaDialoguePriscusVerus	aaPVNoTrouble	0	Maybe so, but I know you're simply too timid to answer my allegations with force.	
FormID: 01009E77	aaDialoguePriscusVerus	aaPVNoTrouble	1	You're too afraid to spend time in that prison cell, eh? I could tell you were a coward from the start. 	
FormID: 01009E77	aaDialoguePriscusVerus	aaPVNoTrouble	2	That's right, you're a shallow, spineless cunt, born from the womb of a whore.	
FormID: 01009E77	aaDialoguePriscusVerus	aaPVNoTrouble	3	What say you to that, Grand Champion? 	
FormID: 01009E78	aaDialoguePriscusVerus	aaPVInsult	0	You can't ignore me, you pompous fake!	
FormID: 01009E78	aaDialoguePriscusVerus	aaPVInsult	1	I'll have your blood for that insult!	
FormID: 01009E79	aaDialoguePriscusVerus	aaPVDuel	0	It is to be a duel, then?	
FormID: 01009E79	aaDialoguePriscusVerus	aaPVDuel	1	If so, let it be to the death!	
FormID: 01009E79	aaDialoguePriscusVerus	aaPVDuel	2	Make your peace with the nine, then meet me at the fork in the road west of town.	

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