L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Books/ibgAQ1GoldenSaint のバックアップ差分(No.1)


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<DIV align="left"> In the Imperial City, a rumor is going around. More and more people claim that they have seen a Golden Saint, one of the most fearsome daedric creatures known for the terror they spread in Morrowind. Does such a creature wander around? In the recent crisis the Imperial Watch still investigates the death of Uriel Septim VII., so may a Golden Saint be going around undetected?<p>

Investigating the rumors yielded a few clues about the Golden Saint: Most who have seen her did so in the northern half of the Imperial City. Palonirya, one of the few upper class clothiers of Cyrodiil, remarked "I saw a flash of gold, glittering scales in sunlight. A sight to behold! It inspired me for some ideas about the coming summer collection."<p>

Likewise Phintias of the First Edition remarked that he sold a book to a "woman donning a golden armor". When asked if he thinks the customer may have been a Daedra, he only responded with "nah, no horns. And she didn't look like a walking crocodile."<p>

Running from one eyewitness to another, no clear evidence has been found. Golden Saints are known to be fearsome warriors, able to best even the strongest mortal warriors. Yet no terror usually associated with an appearance of these Daedra could be found. No unexplainable deaths (except the demise of Uriel Septim and his heirs, of which no record shows any daedra sighting), no unusual disappearances. And the cause of this rumor seems to be discovered: Around the Market District an Altmer woman wearing a golden armor was found. According to her it's only a family heirloom, and she reacted with shock when confronted with the rumors it may have caused.
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<DIV align="left"> Considering the nature of Golden Saints their absence is no surprise. They serve the Daedric Prince Sheogorath, who is considered to be a "corner in the house of troubles" in Dunmeri culture. No wonder Sheogorath is sending his fearsome servants to cause trouble in Vvardenfell. Yet, as Raminus Polus of the Arcane University pointed out, this line of thought may not be entirely correct: Long time daedric visitors are bound by pacts. In Cyrodiil the knowledge to summon Golden Saints, a prerequisite for any long time binding according to the mage, is not nearly as widespread as it is in Vvardenfell. According to him necromancy and the summoning of elemental daedra, scamps and Dremoras are a lot more common. Known to some, as the Black Horse Courier unfortunately experienced themselves, the Council of Mages regularly uses Dremoras as messengers themselves.

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